Thursday, August 02, 2007
About Me
- Name: Connie Crosby
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I am the principal consultant at Crosby Group Consulting specializing in knowledge management, information management and social media primarily for the legal and information industries. I teach continuing education courses on social media at the iSchool Institute, University of Toronto. I also write, blog and speak. My 2010 book Effective Blogging for Libraries is part of the award-winning Tech Set series from Neal-Schuman Publishing.
Main blog
conniecrosby.blogspot.comRSS Feed Me
blog submissions
I do not accept unsolicited submissions for this blog. This is a personal professional blog and, as such, I am not interested in adding content from outside sources unless I have decided to add them myself. Thank you.
Previous Posts
- Full Text: Keen vs. Weinberger - Web 2.0 debate
- BBC NEWS | $100 laptop - one laptop per child pro...
- Moving from Blogger to Wordpress
- Moving from Blogger to Wordpress
- Workshops - Future of Web Design
- ABDM - MALL - Montreal Association of Law Librarians
- VoiceThread
- Women in Law
- Doing it Without Dewey
- Google, Yahoo Both Working On Next Generation Soci...
- Libraries Without Borders ("NE2007") Toronto, Oct. 17-20, 2007
- Libraries Without Borders Official Blog
- Libraries Without Borders Official Wiki
- Law Firm Web Strategy
- Stem Legal
- SLA 2005
- SLA 2005 Blog
- Internet Librarian 2004
- BookCrossing
- Slaw
- Out of the Jungle
- GTA Bloggers
- Vancouver Law Librarian Blog
- Library Boy
- senatorhung's pad
- beSpacific
- Blog Without a Library
- Chez Shoes
- PIPEDA and Canadian Privacy Blog
- Information Overlord
- Dysart & Jones
- Rob Hyndman
- Stephen Abram Articles & Presentations
- Tod Maffin
- the [non]billable hour
- Real Lawyers Have Blogs
- Lawrence Lessig Blog

I had heard of (the eco friendly version of google), but now they have launched blackle games i dunno if any energy is saved, but atleast it doesnt hurt the eye, lol
12:38 p.m.
I'm using at the moment BLACKOOGLE, which is similar to blackle but offers a lot more functionality like image search, youtube search, mail access, etc. And looks nicer too, give it a try!
Blackoogle US
Blackoogle UK
PS: Blackle is not a google web, only uses the Google Custom Search.
6:52 a.m.
There are around 25 different versions of “black google” online. The best one I’ve found is Cleanblack is the only version that allows you to change the text colors of the google search results. Try it yourself by going to
10:19 a.m.
They have a new website using renewable energy - Blackl.
Their new search engine blackl has also got an updated search function which is 10 times better than the old one
5:35 a.m.
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